Wednesday, June 7, 2017


One of the most dreaded parts of school life has to be the class test. All the way through school, children have to take tests in one form or another. From first grade onwards, there will be some point at which children have to go over everything they have learned.

School tests take various forms - oral question and answer sessions, multiple choice questions, essay questions, practical demonstrations, and written short questions. These methods vary depending on the subject studied and the age of the students.

Testing is extremely important however, because without it no teacher can really know how much the students have learned. This is necessary, not only in terms of the students but also for the teacher so that he or she can know where the class is holding when preparing the material for the next lessons. It can also show who the weaker and stronger students are - who needs extra help and who needs more of a challenge.

For the student, testing is a good idea because this is an ideal opportunity to pause, take stock of the material studied over the recent period, and process it so that it is properly understood. In addition, there is always the satisfaction of passing the test and really feeling that you know something. And if you don't pass, there is the challenge of having to relearn the material and make sure that you do know it next time.

Building self-esteem from one's successes and strengthening the character by dealing with one's failures are both important lessons in life that a child can take with them into adult life and forever.



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