Sunday, November 25, 2018

Apply Lessons From US Military Training

Apply Lessons From US Military Training

"If we do go to war, psychological operations are going to be absolutely a critical, critical part of any campaign that we must get involved in." - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

The U.S. Military knows that survival is a mentality or a way of thinking.  The same can be said about thriving.  The lens that you use to view the world plays a big role in the results that you obtain through your efforts.  Thus, you must align your consistent outlook for surviving and thriving with proven approaches to surviving and thriving in tough times if you are to break away from the grasp and momentum of your major challenges.

In his book, The Survivor's Club, Ben Sherwood opens with a prologue about his experience participating in a dramatic survival training exercise at the U.S. Marine's Aviation Survival Training Center.  As a journalist, he is not only able to experience the training but vividly report on the experience and share the key lessons for us to apply in other potential survival situations.

Based on the experience, he found several keys to the approach that the U.S. Military uses in training their personnel for survival:

They understand that crisis is inevitable and you must anticipate adversity and crisis if you are to have the best chances for survival
When faced with adversity or challenges, they train personnel to observe and analyze the situation, devise a plan, and decisively take action - this all must be done quickly because, in most crisis situations, time is of the essence
If (and most likely when) things go wrong, survivors must be trained to adapt and improvise, not panic
If (and probably when) you get overwhelmed, you have to recover quickly.  Thus, recovery strategies and approaches must be close to automatic reactions
Waiting for the worst to end is a critical strategic and tactical option that most likely will be needed.  Frozen panic will kill you but so will overly aggressive action at the wrong time!  People must be trained to hold back, identify right moment, and then do what is gives them the best chance to survive
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." - President John F. Kennedy
During times of great universal challenge or major personal crisis, the above approaches will help you not only survive, they can help you find the hidden opportunity to thrive by working through your adversity.  If you panic, wish things were not happening or it were just easier, you will significantly reduce your chances of creating something positive from your experiences.  And during those most severe crisis situations, you just may not survive!

Intelligence News

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Obtener un buen asesoramiento legal

Obtener un buen asesoramiento legal

Los riesgos y recompensas conducen a las elecciones. Las preguntas legales también requieren un entendimiento de la apuesta y las recompensas. En el litigio, por ejemplo, a menudo se arriesga con la asignación aleatoria de un juez. El juez puede administrar su sala de tribunal de forma estricta o flexible, o puede que se sepa que ella gobierna impulsivamente. Los riesgos pueden incluir la composición probable del jurado en función de sus valores y perspectivas. Otro inconveniente podría ser también los recursos financieros del oponente. Esos fondos pueden estar disponibles para pagar un veredicto importante, pero también están disponibles para defender el caso agresivamente antes de que el caso llegue a juicio. O a la inversa, el oponente puede quebrar al final del litigio.

La evaluación de riesgos y recompensas es muy parecida a un asegurador que evalúa un riesgo de crédito asignando una puntuación de crédito. Ningún caso es perfecto, pero al evaluarlo, la cantidad en dólares marcada como el valor “objetivo” debe incorporar con precisión las fortalezas y debilidades.

Un asesor legal competente revisará cuidadosamente la ley y la evidencia con sus clientes en varias etapas de litigio. Esta revisión es similar a una valuación de mercado utilizada con frecuencia en los negocios, conocida como “FODA”. El acrónimo es “Fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas”. Este proceso a menudo se hace hacia atrás desde un momento futuro en el que un juez, árbitro o jurado tomará una decisión. El proceso siempre consiste en preguntar qué evidencia tenemos y si la evidencia cumple con los requisitos de la ley. Por ejemplo, ¿es este testigo un testigo convincente que causará una impresión positiva en el estrado de testigos? Tal vez la pregunta será si un juez permitirá la evidencia en el caso, como la evidencia en un caso de discriminación de edad que el empleador ha discriminado contra los trabajadores de mayor edad en circunstancias similares en el pasado?

A veces, el riesgo es que se sepa que los jurados en una jurisdicción particular favorecen a los empleadores o corporaciones y que no simpatizan con las demandas de los empleados. Un buen consejero tendrá información sobre el posible jurado, juez o árbitro. También obtendrá información sobre los veredictos que se han dado en casos similares en esa jurisdicción.

Un abogado eficaz reevaluará los riesgos y las recompensas a medida que el caso progrese y a medida que ella obtenga nueva información. Las declaraciones de testigos, los documentos recién descubiertos, las opiniones de expertos y las reservas de efectivo pueden ser razones para un cambio sustancial en la valoración.

Todos mis clientes también deben evaluar su nivel de resolución para continuar con el caso hasta llegar a una conclusión mediante laudo arbitral o veredicto. El oponente utilizará toda la información negativa disponible para desacreditar al demandante. Un adversario agresivo intentará asustar y humillar a una parte con hechos vergonzosos, como un arresto o encarcelamiento anterior, una adicción, un despido laboral o un historial psiquiátrico. A menudo, esta información puede ser excluida de la evidencia, pero el cliente debe ser lo suficientemente resistente como para aceptar que la otra parte utilizará estas tácticas para desviar la atención de sus errores.

Un asesor legal capacitado conocerá y articulará los argumentos del oponente desde el principio antes de que se presente o atienda el caso. Igual de importante es que el abogado debe tener el valor de sopesar la evidencia tal como aparece en los documentos y testigos, y de decirle al cliente que el caso puede no ser tan estricto como se pensaba. Esta reevaluación sincera es un servicio porque aterriza al cliente en realidad y le ahorra tiempo, emoción y esfuerzo de una batalla prolongada sin la recompensa deseada.

En mi oficina, jugamos un rol. Nosotros, como abogados, no solo hacemos el caso del oponente, sino que hacemos el papel de testigos, viendo la batalla a través de sus ojos y con sus emociones. Pedimos a nuestros clientes que se involucren con nosotros en este drama previo al juicio, como si fueran el oponente, contando la opinión del oponente de las cosas, ya que el cliente probablemente lo escuchará desde el estrado de los testigos.

La mayoría de los clientes encuentran este juego de rol difícil. Pero cuando les recordamos nuevamente que están “fuera de lugar”, vuelven a hacer el testimonio del oponente, por mucho que lo crean. Un resultado positivo del ejercicio es la apreciación del cliente de que existe otra narrativa plausible que compite por la aceptación por parte del árbitro o el jurado. Esta comprensión más profunda le da al cliente el poder de evaluar los riesgos con mayor precisión. Este conocimiento, a su vez, ayuda al cliente a establecer el mejor objetivo de liquidación.

asesoramiento juridico

Saturday, November 17, 2018

How to Pick a Good Marriage Counselor

How to Pick a Good Marriage Counselor

Effective couples counseling is a three-lane highway. It takes cooperation by each person; you, your partner, and the counselor or therapist. It also takes a commitment to change your thinking patterns, and possibly even your behavior. What you can expect to achieve by going to couples counseling is help and suggestions in pinpointing where your problems lie and how to work through them for a lasting relationship. When seeking a couples' counselor, look for a licensed therapist who:

Really understands your pain and concerns. Does their website show that they understand the unique struggles to being partnered? Do you get the feeling they truly can understand you and your concerns?

Specializes in couples' counseling. All therapists are trained to help people with their emotional struggles, but couples counseling is not like individual counseling. In couples counseling, the relationship is actually the client (you and your partner). You want a therapist who can see each partner's point of view, while helping the relationship.

Helps couples as at least 75 percent of his or her caseload. Working successfully with couples takes practice, training, and temperament. Just like the best cooks or the best golfers are people who are passionate about their craft, couples therapists are usually the people who work day in and day out with couples, healing relationships.

Does not take sides as a rule. If you are like most people, you want to be right. It is easy to blame your partner for your unhappiness. Good couples counseling involves supporting you, individually, while identifying the part that each person has in the relationship struggle. Good couples counseling helps you find simple ways to perform actions to improve your relationship.

Is active in session. Some therapists let the clients guide the session. While there certainly is a place for that, it is important in couples counseling that you learn new skills rather than have the same argument, session after session, where the therapist acts as the referee. This means going beyond the problem and actively helping you solve it. Our goal at the OC Relationship Center is that you leave each week with a new understanding, a new skill, or a new homework assignment to practice new skills.

Cares about results. In individual therapy, the goal is often to help people feel better and get along better in their lives and in their relationships. In couples therapy, the goal is to see how the couple can improve their interaction, gain trust, and heal the relationship. A great couples counselor checks in with you regularly, ideally each session, to make sure that you feel respected and that the counseling approach is working for you.

Simply makes sense. Of course you want a therapist who is skilled in couples therapy and can compassionately hear you and help you understand yourself and your partner. At the same time, you want a therapist who speaks in a way that you can understand and really, really "gets you".

Clearly loves his or her work. You can see it in their smile and in their response to you. You can see it in the way they carry themselves and in their presence in general.

marriage counselor near me

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Tips For Buying Auto Parts Online

Tips For Buying Auto Parts Online

The Internet is a wonderful place for buying many things. You will often have access to options that you never knew existed. You will also have many more choices and can often find a better deal on items online than in a brick and mortar store. One area of items that are advantageous to buy online are auto parts. With the ability to search millions of websites and many different stores, you may be much more likely to find the right part for even the most obscure type of vehicle online than in the offline world. You may also find a better price at the same time.

Here are a few tips for buying auto parts online:

Major Stores

Pretty much every major auto parts store has an online version, where you can search their entire nationwide database for parts availability, order the part and have it sent to you wherever you are. It's highly convenient and makes it easy to compare prices. Some major chains that have sites include, NAPA Online, Advance Auto Parts, Auto Parts Warehouse, AutoZone, CARQUEST, Pep Boys and many more. Nearly all of them offer online search and shopping options. Some of them even offer a low price guarantee on certain parts and provide you with news, information, rebate deals and special online only deals.

Manuals & Auto Repair Information

There are many resources online that may help you install your auto part. Check out 10w40 for manuals and information for many makes and models of vehicles.

Auto Forums

You can find information on your make or model of vehicle as well as ask questions and get answers about repairing and maintaining it. You will also be able to talk with other auto enthusiasts. Some popular auto forums are Automotive Forums, AutoForums, CarForums, Autoforum Universe and the forums at Automotive. You may be able to get advice on where the best place to get parts is for your specific make and model. There are also forums available for specific makers which should also have excellent information on where to get parts.


You can easily order any of the auto repair manuals you need online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. This may be more convenient for people who don't have a bookstore or auto parts store near them. The most popular and reliable publishers of auto manuals are Chilton's and Hayne's. Buying the manual online, you may be able to save money by comparing prices at numerous book sellers, you can use AddAll to do this.


Auction are a great place to search for your auto parts and eBay Motors is where you will want to begin your auction search. Currently there are a staggering 546190 listings on eBay Motors under Car & Truck Parts alone. You will want to drill down to the specific category for your desired part, then try to narrow the search under that category.

More Tips

Make use of the many price comparison search engines, coupon code sites and be sure to watch out for shipping costs. Some sites, such as Autopartswarehouse offer free shipping, so be sure to take advantage of those offers.

In summary, buying auto parts online has many advantages, from better availability, to the ability to compare prices much more easily to the wealth of auto repair and maintenance information at your fingertips.

Online auto parts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Are You On The Right Online Dating Site?

Are You On The Right Online Dating Site?

With online dating growing in popularity, so many dating sites have sprung up to meet with the demands in the market. As a single looking for love or relationship, it is your duty to make sure that you join a credible site that will get you the results that you expect with the dating. The wrong site selection could end up wasting your time and efforts you put in to find a partner or date. So how do you know whether you are in the right site?

Dating segmentation

Most online dating sites accommodate all kinds of singles whether they are young and old. The sites also have singles from across the globe and from the different races too. However, you will still find sites that are segmented to accommodate a specific age group, race or location. Type of relationship they lead to can also be used to set the sites aside. If you have specific preferences with your dating, then you should ensure that you join a site that will make it easy for you to find the date you are looking for and fast for that matter. For instance, if you are an over 60 looking for an over 60 date, then joining an over 60's dating site would be a much better choice. If you do not have any limits then you are free to join a general kind of dating sites that brings all kinds of singles together. Know what you want before joining so you are able to choose the best site for the results you expect.

Site reputation

How long has the site been offering the services and how many active members does it have? They are some of the questions that can help you make the right site decision. Remember that it is one thing for a site to have thousands of members, but quite another for them to be active and interested in finding a date. Still on the reputation find out what system the dating site uses to match singles. You do not want to waste your time on a site that is not genuine in the services it offers hence the importance of finding out what system it puts in place to ensure the members are genuinely looking for dates and that you are not at any kind of risk when mingling. A good site should actually make it easy for you to narrow down your search for a date using things such as star sign, location, likes and others.

What many singles forget is that the dating sites they choose to join can directly influence their dating success. With so many sites available today, it is most sensible to take the time to evaluate a dating site before joining. You should actually start by knowing what you are looking for so you are able to gauge the site's potential of helping you achieve the results that you are looking for. A few considerations can go a long way in making your efforts pay off.

Meet Local Singles

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Getting a Drone License

Getting a Drone License

Drones can be great fun and sometimes you can actually make some money from them. However, in many areas, having a drone business is not allowed unless an exception is made for you. There are rules that have been set up so as to handle the drone ownership in various parts of the world. There are steps to follow and you need to get a license. Some areas also require payment of a fee.

Remote pilot certificate

When you have this kind of certificate, it is possible to fly drones legally in certain areas, even if your intention is to make a profit. You can make money from a drone from the selling of footage, goods delivery and so on. There are many flying restrictions that you may have to deal with.

You need to budget on the kind of drone you want to purchase. Usually, you should be able to get a fair priced one, but if your intention is to make some money, then a good quality one is the best choice.

Flying for fun

If your intention is to just fly for some kicks, then you may not need the certificate. However, rules differ from one area to the next. You will however need to register that drone, especially if it is above a set pound limit.

For drone racers who use the first person kind of glasses, the certificate is a must have.

Making money

When you want to make some money, then there are some qualifications that you will need to fulfill so as to qualify. They include:

Age: most places require that you should be at least 16 years of age

ID: most jurisdictions require one to have an ID that is issued by the government bearing a signature, address and name.

Tests: you also need to take a test, usually a knowledge test at the nearest center

Fee: you need to part with a fee before you take the test. You will need to do some sort of study so as to be able to take the test and pass. Usually, a score is given and uploaded.

Certificate: after you have passed the test, you can now apply for the certificate by providing proof that you actually passed the test in the first place.

Before the certificate is issued, a background check is conducted. You can have a temporary certificate sent to you as you await the real copy to be delivered through the mail.

Preparing for the test

So as to get the certificate, you need to take a test. Just like any other test, you need to prepare adequately so as to be successful. Do not underestimate the test since you may actually end up failing.

If you want to be successful, you need to take some of those courses that are available online. You may have to part with some more cash so as to access the course, but it is totally worth it, especially when you want to make some money from the drone.

Drone Flight School